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 The utilities described in this section are used primarily in your
 PCBTEST.BAT and PCBVIEW.BAT files.  Each section describes the utilities in


 PCBDescribe (PCBDESC.EXE) checks uploaded files for FILE_ID.DIZ files
 provided by the program author.  If the uploaded file contains a description
 file, it will replace the description that the user supplied with the one
 provided in the file.

 PCBDescribe is compatible with the following archive formats and requires the
 specified program to uncompress the description files when found:

 File Extension         Requires

 Installing PCBDescribe

 PCBDescribe is used inside of the PCBTEST.BAT file, which is run to test each
 upload to the system.  Place the PCBDESC.EXE file in your default \PCB
 directory and insert the following line toward the top of your PCBTEST.BAT:

          IF %2==UPLOAD PCBDESC %1 %3

 There is only one option; if you would like to have an additional line in the
 description showing the date of the oldest and newest files in the archive,
 use this command instead:

          IF %2==UPLOAD PCBDESC /D %1 %3

 The word UPLOAD in the above example is case sensitive.  Make sure you type
 it in uppercase letters.  Also, make sure that you have a copy each of the
 required unarchive programs (PKUNZIP, ARJ, LHA, PAK, PKXARC) according to the
 types of files you expect to receive.  These unarchive programs should be
 placed either in your default \PCB directory, or in a subdirectory referenced
 by your PATH.

 PCBDescribe can be the first thing in your PCBTEST.BAT file; it will only
 operate on ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK and ARC files (as well as self-extracting
 versions of those files).

 Protecting Your System From DOS Reserved Words

 PCBDescribe will watch for harmful DOS reserved words such as CON, AUX, PRN,
 CLOCK$, COMx, LPTx, and, if found in the archive, will rename the file by
 incrementing the last letter of the filename by one.  The following
 illustrates what the filenames will be renamed to:

  *.ARC  .  *.ARD
  *.ARJ  .  *.ARK
  *.EXE  .  *.EXF
  *.LHA  .  *.LHB
  *.PAK  .  *.PAL
  *.ZIP  .  *.ZIQ

 Once the filename has been renamed, a line will be added to the description
 of the file indicating the reason for the rejecting. Finally, PCBDescribe
 will exit to DOS with an errorlevel of 5 to indicate a problem with the file
 so further testing of the file can be avoided saving the system from a lockup
 that could occur if you have a testing program which does not watch for DOS
 reserved words.

 It is recommended that immediately after the execution of PCBDescribe, you
 insert a line in the PCBTEST.BAT file which reads:


 At the bottom of your PCBTEST.BAT file have a line which has nothing but :END
 on it.  This will allow PCBDescribe's errorlevel 5 to signal that the rest of
 the testing process should be skipped.  For more information on testing
 errorlevels in batch files, refer to your DOS manual.

 Errorlevels Returned

 PCBDescribe will return errorlevels to your batch file to indicate what it
 has done.  These errorlevels can be tested and used for your own purposes.
 The following values are returned:

  0 = No processing performed
  1 = File was not a supported archive or contents were damaged
  2 = Description was updated (found a FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI)
  3 = Description was updated (no description file found but the line
      showing the newest and oldest dates was added to the description).
  4 = Found description file but unable to process.  This could occur if
      the program to uncompress the archive is not found.
  5 = Found a DOS reserved word, renamed the file, modified the description.
      No further actions have been taken nor should be taken by other

 The Description File

 PCBDescribe will accept descriptions contained in FILE_ID.DIZ files found in
 the archive being tested.  The FILE_ID.DIZ file is an ASCII text file, and
 can contain up to 10 lines of 45 characters each.  The first line of this
 file is the program name and version, and the following lines describe the
 function of the program.  It is recommended that formatting codes (such as
 ASCII line drawing characters) NOT be used.

 PCBDescribe will also detect and use descriptions contained in DESC.SDI files
 if they are present.  No other description file formats are supported.

 ATTENTION!  The FILE_ID.DIZ file format is intended for the program author's
 use in providing a coherent description of the program.  In this way, the
 author and the SysOp can be assured that the program will be properly
 described when uploaded to a BBS.  DO NOT use this file for BBS advertising!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson